B12 10ml Vial

SteriMax Multidose Vial

Vitamin B12 10ml Vial

Vitamin B12 10ml shot is used to treat and prevent a lack of vitamin B12 that may be caused by any of the following: pernicious anemia (lack of a natural substance needed to absorb vitamin B12 from the intestine); certain diseases, infections, or medications that decrease the amount of vitamin B12 absorbed from food; or a vegan diet (strict vegetarian diet that does not allow any animal products, including dairy products and eggs).  Also may be given as a test to see how well the body can absorb vitamin B12.

  • Increase energy levels and combat fatigue
  • Speed up metabolism
  • Help improve sleep patterns
  • Increase concentration
  • Improve mood
  • Boost the immune system
  • Help with weight loss